Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Just remember: he's handsome. Not cute.

Here's the video clip that Picasa wouldn't post for Frances last week. Carsten is watering Oma's flowers with his sippy cup. Meleesa and I are trying to get his attention, and we aren't having much success.

Such a contrast to that is this video from last week. I don't have trouble getting attention from him anymore :->

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Retro Post from Pre-blogging Year 2003: Frances Plays Her Very First Game of Mastermind . . .in the Dishwasher

Mastermind in the dishwasher? Frances wearing a fur stole over a pink shirt with rhinestones??? You have to see it to believe it.

Things were crazy busy back then!

Not that they aren't now. . .

If you look carefully, you can see a brown cow's horns in the corner of the camera. He's a fast-moving toddler, and it's gone in a second. Carsten in a moo-ing cow costume.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Carsten the Martial Artist

Carsten has been taking extra KungFu lessons this summer. His teacher, Sylvia, is really great with him, and we're seeing improvement by the week! He's really seeing himself as a martial artist.

Here he is stretching. . .

(It may look as though he is pretending to be a flying superhero, but he's not.)

Here they are working on his new form:

Today he did so well at his corkscrew punches that Sylvia suggested he start practicing with some gloves!

I don't know why some of my text is purple with underlining and no centering . . .I tried editing the html (Frances showed me how yesterday!) but after I moved around a couple photos, the text changed color and is underlined, plus I somehow linked some of my text to one of my photos! Frances, I think I need a lesson Part II.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fancy :D

Monday, July 19, 2010

Can anybody decipher this

Hint: you may need help from an Android. . .

Friday, July 16, 2010

She looks even older today than yesterday and just look at Pascali's elbow!

She now has a missing eye tooth on her left, in addition to the newly missing eye tooth and premolar on the right!

Hope you're so excited about the soccer that you forget about your elbow. Kids, please ask Aunt Leticia to bandage up all your knees and elbows before you go on bike again. That way if you crash you'll just damage the bandaging!

In other news: a mysterious box appeared on our doorstep. Someone in a big truck dropped it off, rang the doorbell and drove off quick-like. It's addressed to Pascal Konyn.

Hmmm. Wonder what it could be. . .

She looks so much older than she did the last time I saw her!

Athena was at soccer camp all week, then went straight to soccer tournament in Bend. I didn't see her before she left because I was in Olympia.

Will she ever come home??? Life just isn't the same without her in the middle of it.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Countertop, River Rocks and Oak Trees, Part I

Espresso treble clefs.

. . . leveled with segments of paint mixing sticks.

Backerboard, edging and rocks

More rocks

My favorite rock

My salad blending into the countertop.

I rounded the corners, so we'll be okay when Genevieve and Jacoby are tall enough to bump their foreheads.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Cool sunglasses with chocolate cake.

The only thing cooler than cool sunglasses and chocolate cake is having both with your supercool friends on a winter night after all the grownups have gone to sleep. (Pascal, what in the world is going on in this photo??)

Starlet Frances Marie with Dad at the Eugene Montessori Spring concert, watching Pascal tinikling

Cutting backerboard! (Cool that my grout won't crack.)

Here observing Aunt Leticia (behind him!) through his supercool spyglasses with the back angle view lenses that allow him to see what's going on behind him. Wearing supercool space invader jacket, too. Brrrr.

Cool sunglasses.

Some days I need sunglasses to look at her. . .

Cool to have Gramma come over to play

Frances' cool camera. . .

Night vision! A bit blinding for the person at whom you're looking however. . . Notice he's also wearing a cool utility belt with the rest of his spy gear. And his KungFu gear under that!