Saturday, September 25, 2010

Happy 11th Birthday Athena: The Party

the birthday girl texturizing her paint with a toothbrush

Frances arrives!  (Just in time for cake!)

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Three Faces of Athena

Of course she has many more than three faces.  But these are three that I just caught.  This evening we say good night to 10 year old Athena for the last time. 

And tomorrow morning she will be a prime number for the first time in three years :) 

naturally happy

very serious

silly silly

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Follow Up to the Creature Contest

Cotton candy icecream with chocolate-dipped waffle cone ;-)

Carmel apple icecream with brownies and a big sister who shares her contest prize.  No wonder he's smiling!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's Time to Play. . .NAME THAT CREATURE!

Bug 1 

Hint:  It's not a slug bug :-)

Bug 2

Winners will receive a trip to Cold Stone.

Bonuses for:

Bug 1 --  Extra toppings if you can tell me whether it's a boy or a girl.  Waffle cone dipped in chocolate if you can identify the red slimy teardrop-shaped things crawling on its head.

Bug 2 --  Extra toppings if you can tell me where it lives.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

And the winning entry is. . .

Apparently the quiz was a little tricky because I mixed up the photos, so if you went by the map and assumed that flying South I would have passed them in A through D order, you might have mixed up Rainier and Hood.  

And here is the first winning entry received, submitted by Athena Rose!  

Runner up winners were Frances K. and Miranda R.   They got everything right, too.  However they entered the contest only after the announcement that winners would receive chocolate.  

First prize was a milk chocolate legoman with some lego bricks.  Second prize was dark chocolate lego man.

Congratulations to all and thanks for playing!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Let's Play. . . .NAME THAT MOUNTAIN!

Mountain A

Mountain B on the left , Mountain C toward the right

Mountain D (with second view of Mountain B again in the background)

Mountain A, Second Chance. . .

. . .and for extra credit, what is the name of that river?

Hopefully Volcano Expert Pascali is reading the blog. . . .

Friday, September 3, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What is there to Doooo?

. . .without anyone here to play Guess Who?
        . . . what'll I ever dooooo?