Friday, July 16, 2010

She looks even older today than yesterday and just look at Pascali's elbow!

She now has a missing eye tooth on her left, in addition to the newly missing eye tooth and premolar on the right!

Hope you're so excited about the soccer that you forget about your elbow. Kids, please ask Aunt Leticia to bandage up all your knees and elbows before you go on bike again. That way if you crash you'll just damage the bandaging!

In other news: a mysterious box appeared on our doorstep. Someone in a big truck dropped it off, rang the doorbell and drove off quick-like. It's addressed to Pascal Konyn.

Hmmm. Wonder what it could be. . .


  1. I'm guessing a tin foil hat to protect him from the aliens.

  2. I've give you a hint: it's orange, and I bought it for him because I was so proud of him for choosing to attend his great uncle's birthday party even though it was scheduled during the world cup final.
