Friday, November 25, 2011

Turkey or Pig?

Frances and Pascal wanted ham for Thanksgiving.  Athena wanted Turkey soup.  David, Carsten and I wanted traditional Thanksgiving.  With all the votes in,  we found this very nice free-range turkey.

But as Athena and I were about to put him in the oven, I looked at him.  Was he really a turkey?  Those two oldest children of ours are extremely resourceful and clever.  Did we somehow actually end up with a ham?  He really looks as though he's got the ears and snout of a pig.

By 3:00 he was all turkey.

Monday, November 21, 2011

You Know the Holidays are Approaching When. . .

you're invited to Thanksgiving lunches

(with macaroni, cheese and sporks)

Remains of wrapping activity start appearing around the house. . .
And presents!