Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Congraduationadulaudation to Frances Marie!

Gramma, Athena, Opa. . . and Mom and Dad all watching Frances say good bye to eighth grade and to her life as a middle school student.

Stopping by to say hello and get hugs and other items from family before rushing off with friends to catch a shuttle school bus to the late-night wild adventure party!

Here she is receiving her promotion certificate with miscellaneous awards. None of these awards were very surprising to her parents. We already knew she's spectacular and deserving of many awards.

Yesterday, middle school student. Next week, U of O math student. After that, she'll take over the world.


  1. Frances, you look gorgeous! Love your hair :)) Congrats on your graduation as well!

  2. What a beautiful high-schooler!! Congratulations, Frances. We love you!!

  3. High schooler??? that just can't be right! Congrats Frances
