Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pinehaven and Berkeley Pier -- Retro Post from ca. 1972

Pinehaven is where we lived.  Berkeley Pier is where we have the fishing poles.  (unless I've mixed it up with another pier. . .so many piers.)
That is Aunt Ruth swinging from the pine trees.
Gramma is holding Tinka the fox terrier.
Your grandfather is turning soil so we can plan a lawn.
I'm the tiger.  That was my favorite shirt.  I still have it.

The wild dalmatian at the end is Pochahontas. 


  1. All of these videos makes me want to take more of them too. So, so neat.

  2. Our kids are so lucky they will have such good video record of their childhoods :)

  3. So fun to watch, Amy! I think Frances really looks like Ruth but then I see her in you too. FUN!
