Monday, July 11, 2011

Not-Yet-So-Organized Post. . .But Soon It Will Be. . .Sort-of Like Our House :)

Here are the first moments of moving in.  We were all there for the first hour.  Then Frances, Carsten and I oversaw the moving while everyone else went to Seattle for a soccer tournament.

On the way to the new house for the first time. . .  ready for anything.

It was the right week to move in. . . all the roses blooming.

Of course the first thing to do was check out the attic.

It's a little easier going up the ladder than coming down. 

Athena tries out her window sill.

Here are some "before" pictures of the very empty house.  No color yet. 

I transported the breakables over the weekend, before the movers arrived. 

These little guys spent a lot of time riding on the tip of my violin bow.  Many years ago.  Now they live in Bavarian teacups.

More color! 

These boxes are full of books.  All of them except one, which had computer cables and our airport.  I had to unpack all the books first so we could find the airport.  I never realize how many books we have until they come off the shelves. 

It's looking a lot less like a formal dining room already. . .

David bolted them to the walls.

I haven't taken a picture yet, but all the shelves are full now.  And no more boxes in the entryway!

The books are being put to good use already!  Here is Carsten reading Richard Scary to cousin Jacoby.

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